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Correct use of disinfectant tablets

2020/7/14      view:
Chlorine containing disinfectants are usually used in water plant disinfection to remove microorganisms in water. Under the action of chlorine, a small amount of pollutants in water will become disinfection by-products, and some organic nitrogen compounds can be converted into nitrosamines. Chlorine is a cheap and relatively safe disinfection method, so nitrosamine and other trace disinfection by-products are inevitable, no exception in the world.

Nitrosamines have been identified as class 2A carcinogens by the International Center for research on cancer (ICRC). The World Health Organization (who) determined the standard of NDMA in drinking water is 100ng / L, that is to say, if according to the WHO standard, the vast majority of water in this inspection is safe.

Comparatively speaking, the nitrosamines in cured meat, pickled vegetables, ham and other pickled foods and cigarettes deserve more attention. The nitrosamines in a mixed cigarette can exceed 3000ng. If the first-hand smoke, second-hand smoke and other factors are taken into account, the exposure amount of nitrosamines caused by tobacco is far higher than that in tap water.