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[Chinese name] cyanuric acid (c3h3n3o3)

[English name] cyanuric acid (CA)
【CAS NO.】108-80-5
[properties] white powder and granule.
Cyanuric acid is a nontoxic and tasteless white crystal with a specific gravity of 1.768g/cm3 for dihydrate and 2.5g/cm3 for anhydrous substance. Cyanuric acid crystallizes from water with two water molecules. Octahedron and anhydrous crystal are formed by weathering in dry air, and the melting point is not obvious. Generally, they melt and decompose above 330 ℃.
[product specification] moisture content ≥ 98.5% pH ≥ 4.0 can be processed according to user requirements.

[use Tu] it is used to manufacture cyanuric acid bromide, chloride, bromine chloride, iodine chloride and cyanuric acid salts and esters. It is mainly used to synthesize new bactericide and disinfectant, water treatment agent, bleaching agent, chlorination agent, bromination agent, antioxidant, paint coating, selective herbicide and metal chlorination moderator. It can also be directly used as chlorine stabilizer in swimming pool, nylon, plastic, polyester Flame retardant and cosmetic additives.
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